Tannery Hoose Windae #4: funky multi-coloured parrot

Tannery Hoose Windae #4: funky multi-coloured parrot
What else but a funky multi-coloured parrot could work for the fourth in the Tannery Hoose Windae project!

This is a big difference from the Holy Family that appeared first in the Windae, isn’t it?

The great thing about Tannery Hoose Windae is that things appear there for just a moment. Then they are captured by the camera before they move on.
What would you like to see there? I know someone in Thornhill has a funky toucan, so you never know. I think a wee, real-life, doggie would work well if you could get it to sit long enough. A big photo of Vladimir Lenin? Or a half-empty bottle of Barr’s Irn Bru? Something you’ve made especially maybe…
If you want to add something, check out how to do it on the Tannery Hoose Windae homepage. I’ll make sure it gets out and about after that.

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