Emergency re-stock of ‘Good Morning’ at West Moss-side

Charlie Gracie Poetry - West Moss SideWest Moss-side ran out of copies of my poetry collection, Good Morning, last week as Forth Valley Open studios ended on Sunday. An emergency trip was required to save the day.

A wonderful range of painting, printing, jewellery-making and other art was on display and, as usual, the standard was beautifully high.

Kate Sankey runs West Moss-side as a mixed traditional organic farm and a high-quality venue for group meetings, seminars, educational visits, craft workshops, staff away days and training events.

You can stay there too, in one of Kate’s West Moss-side yurts. Check it out! It’s great!!


  • Lucia Wyatt

    June 27, 2015 at 8:04 am Reply

    Hi Charlie

    It was I who bought the last copy during Open Studios!
    What a treat for the imagination 🙂

    My other half Jeremy Wyatt Artist and Poet is launching his stunning new collection of art works at The View, Dunblane Library on Thursday 2nd July, 2015 at 6.30pm.
    Join us for a wee hour if you can. All welcome

    • admin

      June 27, 2015 at 8:46 am Reply

      Brilliant Lucia.
      I’m off to see Jazzhandstemazepam at the Shramanka Kinetic Gallery on Thursday so won’t manage sadly. I hope it goes well. Charlie

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