Baillieston Library welcomed Charlie Gracie with the excellent poet Finola Scott on 7th March for a launch event for Charlie’s novel, To Live With What You Are.
A crowd of thirty people – writers, library users, members of the local book group, friends and family – helped to make it a very interesting night. After readings from Finola and Charlie, the question and answer session became a broader discussion on the literary process.
Baillieston Library staff, especially Susi Hunter, pulled out all the stops to support Charlie and Finola and all those who attended, to have an enjoyable night.
Isabel Addie took excellent photographs on the night and captured the atmosphere.
It was great reading with Finola Scott. She is a powerful poetic voice, a funny, energising writer who can turn ordinary things into unforgettable lines of poetry. Check out some of her poetry here in The Blue Nib and look out for her pamphlet coming out later this year with Red Squirrel Press.https://www.redsquirrelpress.net

Thanks to everyone who came along and contributed by listening and talking.