Results of Roy Wood Memorial Writing Competition

I judged the competition and found out recently who these anonymous writers were.

Sarah Evans won first prize with “Games in the Dark”. I really enjoyed the set up for this story and it was nicely carried through.

Helen MacKinven won second prize with the well written “Practice Makes Perfect” and David McConnell won third prize with “The Carer”.

Follow the link to the Alloa Writers website to read their press release.

Well done to all three prize winners and to the other shortlisted writers.

Alloa Writers Group

Charlie ran a poetry workshop with Alloa Writers Group on Monday 27 February 2012. There was some beautiful work created, ranging from humourous work to deep and thought-provoking poetry. And sometimes a combination.

Feedback included:

… the workshop has given me guidance and courage to continue my interest in poetry

… it helped to have some creative writing input from Charlie to give us the impetus to write within a group …

… I enjoyed the fluidity of the evening

The event was held at the Resonate Arts House, Alloa.  The Alloa Writers Group work well with Angela Beardsley, sculptor and artist, who runs the project. Well worth a look.

The evening was supported by the Scottish Book Trust to whom thanks are extended.

Charlie Gracie & Martin Stephenson and the Daintees

In a kind of  reprise of a support act from decades ago, Charlie had a walk-on part at Martin Stephenson and the Daintees gig at the Woodend in Anniesland just before Christmas. Not quite a reprise, but Martin tells me that he supported Charlie Gracie, the Philadelphia rockabilly star of the 1950’s when he was a laddie. What goes around very nearly not quite comes around …

Charlie read Marathon after an impromptu invitation to join the band on stage.

It was a great gig all round. Another of Alan Hendry’s Sounds in the Suburbs events; this one had Helen McCookerybook and then the Starlets supporting Martin Stephenson and the Daintees. (Learn more about Sounds in the Suburbs by adding yourself to his mailing list: [])

New perfomance with the Red Ensemble: 14 September 2011, Glasgow City Halls

Charlie will perform live with the Red Ensemble on Wednesday 14 September in the City Halls in Glasgow.

They will perform new music, including a specially devised multi-media work, Then I was really tiny, based on a story told by a 3 year old boy to his father.

Using sound, images, dance, music and poetry, the ensemble and Charlie will give a surreal interpretation of the child’s story, revealing their response to entrapment, fear and liberation.

Red Ensemble performance of “Right”

Format Gallery

On 2 March 2011, The Red Ensemble performed a music, dance and film piece as part of the Red Road event at the Rectial Room in Glasgow City Halls.

Dancer Joan Beattie gave a beautiful interpretation of right, Charlie’s poem which juxtaposes George Bush’s procalimed support of the right to life with the actions of US and UK forces who launched volleys of Tomohawk Cruise missiles into Baghdad in the early stages of then Iraq war.

In the poem, a pregnant woman, Zubaida, is killed with her unborn child; an event undoubtedly common during that illegal attack.

Palestinian poet Ghazi Hussein translated that poem into Arabic and The Red Ensemble accompanied Joan Beattie’s dance with music and poetry from the recorded versions in Arabic and English. Film of Joan dancing provided background to the live dance, words and music.

The other pieces in the performance were His Tears would Fill an Ocean and Red Road.

The Red Ensemble, Ghazi Hussein and Charlie Gracie

Format Gallery

Look out for this music and poetry show at the Glasgow City Halls on 2 March 2011 that features the English and Arabic versions of Charlie’s poem right, translated into Arabic by Palestinian poet Ghazi Hussein.

See the English and Arabic versions of the poem.

Tom Dalzell from The Red Ensemble instigated this project. Check out the event page to find out more and see some things from Ghazi, Tom and The Red Ensemble.